Monday, January 25, 2010

One of the keys

As I think on the assignment at hand.  In the back yard of my moms home was my favorite place in the world, I was ten years old and a tom boy. This tree meant the world to me,it looked as if it was 20 feet tall and had a massive trunk and the branches were as wide as atleast 2 telephone poles put together it was my special place. Somewhere that I could go and didn't have to worry about my mom following me. And a place where my brother couldn't get to, because he didn't know how to climb a tree. I spent hours up there, to lay on a branch and llook up at the sky and try to figure out what shapes the clouds made up. And on occassion napping and eat my dinner, my home away from home.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

What lerks..

I remember back in the day when I as a young girl. I lived in a small town, not as big as St. George, population about 4 thousand, a various assortment of trees, and buildings. But actually where I lived, down a gravel road, like going through the jungle. Turn after turn, up a hill and down another, and not to forget the occasional bend with a pen point stop, just before making to my house. At this point you are infront of an ole wooden house, that looks like it came out of an Alfred Hitchcock movie. But disspite the appearance, what lerked inside deep in the back room, well past the entry way, was the bathroom.It's cold, dark,nothing can be seen not even my hand as I raised it infront of me. The room I was terrified of it. Not because it's the bathroom but because of what was inside. The biggest, blackest, uglist spider, yes that's right I said spider. To a nine year old this one spider kept me from going to the bathroom alot of nights.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

An event that changed my life

In late 2007, I drove myself to the Mountainview Hospital E.R. My only complaint my chest hurts, I was rushed to the back. Not to many words were said, one after another the doctors, lab techs, EKG, X-Ray, CT, MRI, I thought it would never end. What seemed to take eternity in infact only took a couple of hours. And then this (what I would call) young doctor walked in and said, "you need heart surgery", my jaw dropped, my whole life flashed before my eyes in a instant. My children, my husband, my family, what will they do without me.

Monday, January 11, 2010

First day of class

I am looking forward to English 1010. I gained so much knowledge in the previous courses, and I am so excited to start this course after a very long holiday break. To all that read my blog please feel free to come back and read about my adventures in English 1010.